Work-Life Flow, a new working lifestyle leads to effective retirement

"Do you think that you have Work-Life Balance?"
Never work overtime, have days off on Saturday and Sunday, have fully rest, never overthink about work or worry about someone will contact you about work, work and personal life are absolutely separated. If the answer is yes, you are the luckiest one because most people never experience these situations. Work is always related to personal life without avoidance, but it does not mean you could not balance your personal life and work. Whether you are salary man or businessman, you could try to understand the concept developed from “Work-Life Balance” called “Work-Life Flow”.
Work-Life Flow is to let activities flow with your life timing, do not strictly plan in what you work even though having a good schedule is good thing, but if some situation is not following your plan, you need to adjust and make your work flows as much as you can. We will suggest the techniques about having great “Work-Life Flow” below:
1. Focus on productivity than working hour
In a day, we have same 8 hours for work, but it is not necessary to manage tasks in our schedule as same as others. Some might feel the brain works well in the evening that makes they could think and have creativity on work, then they would like to arrange a meeting in the evening while during the day, they use it for working on other tasks. Moreover, be aware of available time of co-workers if they could make it in your required time or not?
2. Manage your routines for making your physical and mental to get ready
You get sleep and wake up late although you are on time at work, but everything seems to be in hurry, and you have no time to prepare your body and mind for work. So, try to sleep a little faster, wake up earlier, do a little exercise, meditate, or do some hobby, it helps you could work following your plan comfortably.
3. Design your relaxation to suit your lifestyle
Since we cannot separate our personal life from work, then we need to find some time to rest and charging our life battery like taking naps during the day. If our body is really tired or we finish work earlier, we should go home even there is no special activities but being in our personal space is effective rest. Besides, do not forget that we should have real days off without being attached with anything by going on holidays when our big project is finished or overlap time between projects.
4. Look for a company that meets our goals
For company employees, if you are looking for a new job or planning to change jobs, you should look for a company that values human development. This is good for both company and us in long term and also encourage managing work-life flow sufficiently. While, if you are having a job, you might raise “work-life flow” topic to consult with your supervisor for making a work plan for better performance.
Do not forget to consider another important part that get along while you have your work in company, it is Provident Fund. It has benefits of helping us to continue saving money, being disciplined and being able to save for retirement in long term and also being great motivation for work. Because of a financial guarantee from your savings and employer's contribution is like getting an extra salary, and also that money is invested through an expert fund manager that makes opportunity to get more returns. Moreover, it can be used for tax deduction as well, it could be said that it makes you happier.
So, Principal Asset Management Co., Ltd has various types of provident funds and also an innovative Principal Provident Fund, balance by age, which is registered. Besides, it could support and respond the differences between each members’ investment needs. You can arrange and make it suits to your own style.
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Disclaimer: Investors should understand the product type (fund), conditions, returns, and risk before deciding to invest because previous performance could not guarantee for future performance.
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