Principal Property Income Fund C (PRINCIPAL iPROP-C)

Dividend/Auto-Redemption History

Fund Details

This fund is concentrated in the property sector. Therefore, if there are negative factors that affect the investment, Investors may lose a lot of money.

Fund Name (Short)PRINCIPAL iPROP-CRisk Level8 (Very High Risk)
Inception Date17 February 2012Fund Type Fund of Funds, Alternative, Sector Fund
Registered fund size30,000 Million THBForeign Investment PolicyYes (≤79%)
Dividend PolicyNoneForeign exchange rateAccording to the discretion of fund manager
Foreign exchange rateAccording to the discretion of fund manager
Dividend Policy
  • Consider to pay not more than 12 times a year (Only PRINCIPAL iPROP-D),
    Asset Management Company will consider to pay dividend at least once every year for in line with the Notification of the SEC No. Sor Nor. 15/2556 Re: Rules, Conditions and Procedures for Management of Funds (No. 11)
    (Please study more details of dividend payment criteria in the fund prospectus)
Investment Policy 
  • The fund’s policy is to mainly invest in securities or financial instruments in the property sector for both onshore and offshore by
        1) The fund will mainly invest in unit trust of Property Funds that listed on the Stock Exchange or unit trust or Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) (Property Fund), Exchange Traded Fund that focus on investment in instruments of Property funds (REITs ETF), unit of Infrastructure Fund which is in the Property Sector (Infrastructure Fund) including other instruments that grant the rights to acquire those certain instruments or group of the instruments, both onshore and offshore.
        2) Listed stocks in property sector or in sector that its characteristic equivalent to the property sector, including other instruments or financial contracts that having rights to obtain the stocks or provide benefits to those stocks, that according to the fund manager’s discretion and/or receive return referring to the stocks/groups of the stock, according to the discretion or fund manager and/or
        3) Structured note that provide returns based on securities or securities index or any instruments which related to property sector or in sector that its characteristic equivalent to the property sector, both onshore and offshore, such as the structured note that provide return referring to PFUND Index performance, the structured note that provide return referring to Starhill Global REIT’s performance, the structured note that provide return referring to property’s income etc.
  • In this regards, the fund will invest in or hold securities or instruments in property sector that have been mentioned in clause 1-3 at average of fiscal year not less than 80% of NAV.
  • And the fund must invest via units of CIS, units of Infrastructure fund or units of Property fund both onshore and offshore at average of fiscal year not less than 80% of NAV.
Fund Manager  
  • Supakorn Tulyathan
  • Pochara Thimasan
  • Amornrat Taraporntip

Purchase/ Redemption

Subscription PeriodEvery business day from bank business hours to 3.30 pm
Minimum Subscription1 THB
Redemption PeriodEvery business day from bank business hours to 3.00 pm
Minimum RedemptionNot defined
Redemption PolicyWithin 5 business days from NAV calculation date (NAV Annouce T+1)
(Settlement T+5, CIMBT at 11.30 a.m. Other Banks at 1.00 p.m.)

Fee & Charges

Fees to Unitholder (% of Trading Value)*
Front-end fee Not exceed 0.81% (Waived)
Back-end fee Not exceed 0.81% (Waived)
Switching FeeAccording to the conditions of sale and redemption of investment units
Fund Fee (% of NAV)*
Management FeeNot exceed 1.07% (Currently 0.8562%)
Trustee FeeNot exceed 0.11% (Currently 0.0401%)
Registrar FeeNot exceed 0.54% (Currently 0.3211%)
*Fee included VAT, Brokerage Fee excluded VAT.

Distribution Channel

  • CIMB Thai Bank Public Company Limited
  • FWD Life Insurance Public Company Limited

Fund Performance

Date as of:
As at date :
Fund Year To Date Performance (%) 3M (%) 6M (%) 1Year (% p.a.)* 3Year (% p.a.)* 5Year (% p.a.)* 10Year (% p.a.)* Since Inception (% p.a.) * NAV (THB) Fund size (THB Million)
Principal Property Income Fund C (PRINCIPAL iPROP-C) -1.05 % -2.71 % -5.12 % 0.84 % -4.22 % -5.21 % 2.10 % 2.66 % 15.1466 1243.32
Benchmark: -1.75 % -2.26 % -3.28 % 3.38 % -2.75 % -2.80 % 3.60 % 3.54 %
Benchmark :
SET PF&REIT TRI Index 50% FSTREI TRI Index adjusted with FX hedging cost 42.5% FSTREI TRI Index (THB) 7.5%
Standard Deviation Performance 5.42 % 6.28 % 7.60 % 8.78 % 11.91 % 15.05 % 11.94 % 9.39 %
Standard Deviation Benchmark 4.93 % 5.90 % 7.90 % 8.68 % 12.03 % 16.40 % 12.98 % 9.78 %