Principal Vietnam Equity Fund I (PRINCIPAL VNEQ-I)

Dividend/Auto-Redemption History

Fund Details

Fund Name (Short)PRINCIPAL VNEQ-IRisk Level 6 (High Risk)
Fund Type Equity FundInception Date16 October 2017
Registered fund size10,000 Million THBForeign Investment PolicyYes
Dividend PolicyNoneForeign exchange rateAccording to the discretion of fund manager
Investment Policy 
  • The fund has a policy to invest in equity instruments listed on the stock exchange or have a core business in Vietnam that is believed to have potential for future growth including any other equity instruments that are involved in the business and/or benefiting from economic growth or assets mainly from the economic growth of such country and/or equity instruments of Vietnamese entrepreneurs registered in other countries and/or other mutual funds that have a policy of investing in equity instruments and/or foreign equity ETF focused on investment in equity instruments in Vietnam for the average in the fiscal year that is not less than 80% of the net asset value of the fund.
Fund Manager
  • Supakorn Tulyathan
  • Chatree Meechaijaroenyin
  • Punyanoot Punyaratabandhu 
  • Sittikarn Pongpatanasuksa
  • Supree Suvaphan
  • Pathompong Ruangkanaruk
  • Ratchanad Wangrungarun

Purchase/ Redemption

Subscription PeriodEvery business day from bank business hours to 12.00 pm
First Minimum Subscription500,000 THB
Next Minimum Subscription100,000 THB
Redemption PeriodEvery business day from bank business hours to 12.00 pm
Minimum RedemptionNot defined
Redemption PolicyWithin 5 business days (NAV announce T+1)
(Settlement T+5, CIMBT at 11.30 a.m., SCB/ KBANK/ BAY/ ttb/ BBL/ LHBANK/ KK at 1.00 p.m.)

Fee & Charges

Fees to Unitholder (% of Trading Value)*
Front-end feeNot exceed 1.61% (Currently 1.50%)
Back-end feeNot exceed 1.07% (Waived)
Switching FeeAccording to the conditions of sale and redemption of investment units
Brokerage FeeNot exceed 0.54% (Waived)
Fund Fee (% of NAV)*
Management FeeNot exceed 1.61% (Currently 1.6066%)
Trustee FeeNot exceed 0.33% (Currently 0.1285%)
Registrar FeeNot exceed 0.65% (Currently 0.5355%)
*Fee included VAT, Brokerage Fee excluded VAT.

Distribution Channel

  • CIMB Thai Bank Public Company Limited

Fund Performance

Date as of:
As at date :
Fund Year To Date Performance (%) 3M (%) 6M (%) 1Year (% p.a.)* 3Year (% p.a.)* 5Year (% p.a.)* 10Year (% p.a.)* Since Inception (% p.a.) * NAV (THB) Fund size (THB Million)
Principal Vietnam Equity Fund I (PRINCIPAL VNEQ-I) -0.79 % 1.49 % -3.22 % -2.74 % -3.65 % 11.42 % 2.41 % 13.1764 164.31
Benchmark: 2.32 % 1.02 % -3.83 % -13.77 % -12.85 % 5.30 % -0.21 %
Benchmark :
TFVTTU Index (THB) 100%
Standard Deviation Performance 11.30 % 11.19 % 12.38 % 16.36 % 20.10 % 24.13 % 20.15 %
Standard Deviation Benchmark 11.56 % 12.11 % 13.41 % 17.46 % 20.08 % 25.26 % 21.84 %