Principal SET50 Index Super Savings Fund SSFX (PRINCIPAL SET50SSF-SSFX)

Dividend/Auto-Redemption History

Fund Details

Fund Name (short) PRINCIPAL SET50SSF-SSFX Risk Level 6 (High Risk)
Fund Type Equity Fund Inception Date 14 April 2020
Registered fund size 3,000 Million THB Foreign Investment Policy None
FX Hedging Policy None Dividend Policy None
Investment Policy 
  • The Fund has a policy to generate return of the fund in accordance with the movement of SET50 Index by investing in equities which listed in Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) and/or other securities that result in the calculation of SET50 Index with net exposure in equities on average not less than 80% of NAV. Moreover, the fund will invest in the securities which listed in Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) on average not less than 65% of NAV.
Fund Manager  
  • Supakorn Tulyathan
  • Punyanoot Punyaratabandhu 
  • Chatree Meechaijaroenyin
  • Sittikarn Pongpatanasuksa
  • Supree Suvaphan
  • Pathompong Ruangkanaruk

Purchase/ Redemption

Subscription Period Not accept for subcription from 1 Jul 2020 onwards.
Minimum Subscription 1,000 THB
Redemption Period Every business day from bank business hours to 3.00 pm
Minimum Redemption Not defined
Redemption Policy Within 5 business days (NAV Announce T+1)
(Settlement T+3, CIMBT at 11.30 a.m., SCB/ KBANK/ BAY/ ttb/ BBL/ LHBANK/ KK at 1.00 p.m.)

Fee & Charges

Fees to Unitholder (% of Trading Value)*
Front-end fee Not exceed 1.07% (Waived)
Back-end fee Not exceed 1.07% (Waived)
Switching Fee According to the conditions of sale and redemption of investment units
Fund Fee (% of NAV)*
Management Fee Not exceed 2.14% (Currently 0.535%)
Trustee Fee Not exceed 0.33% (Currently 0.02675%)
Registrar Fee Not exceed 0.54% (Currently 0.3210%)
*Fee included VAT, Brokerage Fee excluded VAT.


Investors should understand product characteristics (mutual funds), conditions of return and risk before making an investment decision.

Fund Performance

Date as of:
As at date :
Fund Year To Date Performance (%) 3M (%) 6M (%) 1Year (% p.a.)* 3Year (% p.a.)* 5Year (% p.a.)* 10Year (% p.a.)* Since Inception (% p.a.) * NAV (THB) Fund size (THB Million)
Principal SET50 Index Super Savings Fund SSFX (PRINCIPAL SET50SSF-SSFX) -14.79 % -15.91 % -9.83 % -6.27 % -6.77 % -0.25 % 9.8777 71.56
Benchmark: -14.75 % -15.81 % -9.47 % -5.32 % -6.25 % 1.01 %
Benchmark :
SET50 TRI Index 100%
Standard Deviation Performance 17.43 % 16.51 % 15.07 % 13.30 % 12.08 % 14.55 %
Standard Deviation Benchmark 17.53 % 16.59 % 15.16 % 13.41 % 12.27 % 14.74 %