How to Go Shopping and Save Money in Your Wallet in This Economic Situation?

The economy has been recessed at the beginning of the year from locking down and closing various business sectors, but recent situation is considered more relaxed but it is not getting back to be normal as there are still many pressured factors for strictly control people’s spending habits. However, it cannot be denied that shopping always happens whether it is shopping for necessities or shopping for fulfill happiness. Is there any kind of shopping method that helps balancing the need and the feeling without impact on your money?
1. Shopping for what you need not what you want
Buying new fashion shoes because your shoes begins to wear out, you should choose the shoes that have good quality and can be matched with various kind of clothes and suits for various occasions, it is considered to be worthwhile investment. On the other hand, buying your new shoes because of sale promotion and careless consideration of your lifestyle, your shoes are always ended in your locker because you have no idea when will you wear it and it means you waste your money with no reason.
2. Price Comparison is “A must”
Recently, e-Commerce is very competitive because fewer people want to go out and most focus on being at home. Moreover, many stores and brands are launching online promotions, therefore, we should study techniques for online shopping and finding information for comparing prices, it would be benefit for us.
Online checking the promotion in brand channel directly and comparing to the promotion in other e-Commerce platforms which have many products that can be worked as coordinating promotion. Moreover, quantity is another thing we should focus on, such as skin care purchase, if buying a medium bottle in a promotion gets 1 free 1 might seem worthwhile, but divided the price out, buying a single big bottle is cheaper. This method would help us to get products we need and well save money.
3. Don't stick and Do think about alternative brands
When thinking about buying a product, many people tend to have the number 1 brand in their hearts. So, it is absolutely not wrong if they want to buy their favorite brand products because those brands may have long been their favorite and made them felt good when they use. In contrast, considering other alternative brands is another good way to reduce expenses, such as buying some product that has same functions, similar materials, can be substituted but cheaper. Besides, Local Brand product is another good choice because it does possibly fulfill our needs and purposes but cheaper than Global Brand and we also can support local community businesses.
4. Manage your money wisely
Who is the squandered shopper who is always going over-budget shopping? Divide income sufficiently is a classic method and very effective but talking about how strict it is, it would depend on each person. Mostly, income might be divided into 3 parts: savings, necessary expense, and daily expense; which is including eating, travelling, shopping and those are connected. For example, if this month you spend less for eating, then you will have more budget for traveling and shopping. Therefore, if you plan to do big shopping, you need to skip luxurious foods and reduce travel schedules but do not need to be very tense.
It does not mean that your income has to be used up in every month because if there is any left, it could be transferred to savings part which could grow and increase other budget parts in the future. For making your life more convenient, investment is one of a form of savings. So, Principal has a suggestion about attractive rising star and well collective fund for us.
1. Principle Global Opportunity Open-End Fund: PRICIPAL GOPP
An opportunity for global investment that continues developing along with new evolution and investment in companies that grows up among disruptive innovation.
Project type: Feeder Fund
Investment policy: Being a unit trust for only the foreign mutual fund, Morgan Stanley Investment Funds Global Opportunity Fund (Master Fund)
Suitable for: Those who can invest in the medium to long term by expecting opportunity to receive better long term returns than investing in general bond
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2. Principle Global Education Tech Open-End Fund: PRINCIPAL GEDTECH
Investment opportunities in business that continues growing with Megatrend, innovative technology of future education
Project type: Equity Fund, Feeder Fund
Investment policy: Being a unit trust for only the foreign mutual fund, Credit Suisse (Lux) Edutainment Equity Fund (Master Fund), Share Class: IBP USD
Suitable for: Investor who can invest in long term by expecting opportunity to receive better long term returns than investing in general bond
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3. Principle Property Income Open-End Fund: PRINCIPAL iPROP (This fund is concentrated in Property Sector Fund, so if there is negative factor that affects an investment, investors may lose massively)
Investment opportunities in Property Fund, REITs / Infrastructure Funds in domestic and Asia which has growth potential for opportunity to generate appropriate returns
Project type: Fund of Funds, Sector Fund
Investment policy: Most focus on investing in Securities or Property Sector Fund both domestically and internationally.
Suitable for: Those who can invest in the medium to long term by expecting opportunity to receive better long term returns than investing in general bond
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Investors should understand the product type (fund), conditions, returns, and risk before deciding to invest. Investors must study mutual fund information especially in investment policies, risks and process results of mutual funds that disclosed in various sources. Besides, asking specialist for more information before making a decision because previous performance could not guarantee for future performance.
Disclaimer for PRICIPAL GOPP
Master fund is concentrated in the United States; therefore, investors should consider the diversification of their investment portfolio.
- This fund is focuses on investing in foreign funds, therefore, it might be affected by the change of securities cost invested by the Master Fund. In addition, it is main factor that affects investor’s investment.
- This master fund is concentrated in the United States and Japan; therefore, investors should consider the diversification of their investment portfolio.
- This master fund is concentrated in the Information Technology Sector, which is caused risks from changing consumer behavior and product obsolescence, therefore, if there is negative factor affects investment, investors might lose their investment massively. Besides, there might has risks and price fluctuation higher than general mutual fund that distributes across many industries.
- Thai funds and / or foreign funds (master funds) may invest in derivatives for prevent the risks associated with the exchange rate, that might arise from abroad investment following propriety and circumstance. Investors might lose or gain profit from exchange rate, also the master fund possibly receive loss from exchange rate or receive a refund lower than the initial investment.
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