Financial compatibility: The dollars and cents of relationships

Even in the best relationships, money issues can cause disagreements and tension. Get tips for finding the common ground you need to work toward the same money goals from expert financial journalist, Jean Chatzky who is also an editor of the NBC’s TODAY show.
Tactics to preserve the peace and your passion
Let your differences make you stronger.
Think back to what originally drew you to your spouse. Chances are, part of the allure was the yin-yang nature of your complementary traits. Those differences don't change just because you marry.
We tend to assume that when we tie the knot, we are supposed to become one unit, with one set of behaviours and one set of dreams. That is unrealistic. Make a pact not just to remember your individual strengths, but also to use them to make you a stronger family.
Draw a line in the sand.
Some couples find it helps to come up with a weekly or monthly spending limit that they absolutely would not cross without discussing it first. The actual number is up to you, pick one that makes sense within the context of your budget and your financial goals.
Declare some financial independence.
You may want to spend more or save more and you should be able to do that on occasion without asking permission.
That is why we are a big fan of ‘your, my, and our accounts’. Pay the monthly bills, save for your joint goals, and then give each other a little financial freedom with what is left. It is just one key to a happier union.